Welcome to our blog. This blog was created for the purpose of being a tool to encourage, share and discuss the daily Bible readings through 2010. We are excited to have you join us. We ask that while you're here that you follow the Golden Rule, if you have a question, please feel free to email us.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Focusing on Luke this week

Even though it isn't the New Year yet and we haven't started our scheduled Bible reading, I'm getting myself into the habit of spending more time in the Word every day. Since Christmas is fast approaching I decided to read in Luke today, the Christmas story. I opened the Bible and started reading Luke 1-2-it's really quite a fast excerpt when you consider all that happened in those 2 chapters. Amazing, how every time I read that passage, or hear it read, something always stands out to me. I thought about Mary, and how overwhelming and scary it must have been. Being told that you will bear the Son of God! I mean really break that down into how you would actually feel. If you read Luke 1:26-38 and focus on what is actually happening and how scary that situation must have been for Mary, it couldn't have been easy for her, thinking of what was ahead. Yet, she trusted God 100%, her faith never wavered she continued to worship and serve God . My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior Luke 1:46-47

Even when we face fear and uncertainty, we need to continue to praise, worship and serve Him. I hope you take some time this week to maybe read these excerpts from Luke. I will most likely read them again before Christmas. I find them to be uplifting and comforting-welcoming that feeling of Peace that we all long for at Christmas.

If you have a moment, watch and listen to this slide show. How blessed we are!

Peace to you, Tanya