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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Poem for you to enjoy


Can you believe it? December 27. Like, where did this year go?
Next year may bring happiness and joy. It may bring sadness and woe.

O how to prepare for those uncertain times ahead.
Will you have asked, “Is there something I could’ve done? Something I could’ve read?

Who will look out for us in this new year’s strange land?
Will it be our government? Our insurance policy? Our 401K Plan?

I think not! There’s just one thing you can count on, proven year after year.
Our Lord and Savior, The Bread of Life, written in the holy scriptures to hear.

To know our Savior, Our Rock, Our Comforter in times of stress
We must read His Word daily. Then we’ll be ready for any test.

So this Friday, let’s make a resolution; you know, it’s not all that absurd
To set aside some time daily for A Journey In The Word.

So new year, bring it on. Give me your best shot once again
Armed with my Daily Bible Reading Plan, I’ll be Prepared for anything in 2010.

By Mahlen Petry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said Mahlen.